Friday, June 7, 2013

Yaohan Plaza

Yaohan Plaza is a mall consisted of several stores. There is an Asian marketplace, department stores, a Japanese arcade, and a bowling alley. Here are some of the photos I took during this experience.

This store consisted of several artistic items, such as paintings, photographs, little statues, and other things. It's one of sensei's favorite stores to visit also.

This item was located in the Utsuwa No Yakata store which is the photo above this one. It caught my eye because of the details it had in this picture.

 This store was located above the Asian supermarket. It consisted of several teacups and pots that are very delicate and artistic to the customers.

Here is a food display I saw at a restaurant. It was closed, but outside of the store it displayed several food items to make the observers hungry and wanting to come back for them. There are ramen items and sashimi items displayed in the photo.

Here is a nice overview of the department stores, with some of my friends blocking the view. I apologize for that. There are three levels as you can see by the escalators. They all have department stores on each level.

Outside, there is a relaxing view of this kind of miniature waterfall. There are tables around here just to sit down and relax, and also eat from the things people bought in the Yaohan Plaza.

I did not remember what this sculpture called, but this photograph displayed a sculpture with the words Hope and Peace (on the other side of the sculpture). This probably meant something containing to the war era.

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